marți, 29 iulie 2014

A white woman as a savior of all women

We are living  pretty weird times. We allegedly are crossing the  feminism of the third wave, but apparently it's a wave that does nothing, but washing  the other ones. Everything seems to fall apart, to be deconstructed until being demolished or distorted, in the best case. On the other hand some leftists and the cultural relativism dilute any clear message. Sometimes things really are black and white, no shades of gray. Sometimes you have to make precise spectral analyses. So in feminism  sometimes things are clear. And painful. Patriarchy exists, destroy lives, minds, in every moment, even now. Women are taught to be slaves,to adapt as slaves, with more or less "rights". Any approach which doesn't go to the root of things, the existence of patriarchy, it's just a cosmetic measure. It's like you plug a hole in a dam, but you still remain in an inundated / flooded  area 

It looks absolutely amazing, but there is feminism that accepts prostitution, calling prostitutes "sex workers". Well yes, and slaves are all kinds. Can illegal immigrant workers be called "workers in agriculture, construction" etc.. They work, but why do it? Like prostitutes, even if they are not forced by pimps, as well as women who are not kidnapped, but married to abusive men. They have sex with those men (without any pleasure ) and remain with them, they even have children fathered by these men, may have multiple abortions, but only because they have no choice. It's about survival forced by poverty. But survival in the  Nazi or communist camps is still survival. And if there, people make survival strategies. But one can't say living like that it's a way of life. In dictatorships have to adapt. But one can't tell that dictatorship is a legitimate lifestyle. I'm saying it as a person who saw a  communist dictatorship. Prostitution, and here I'd  exclude luxury prostitution, although I am not sure about that, is not a lifestyle, it's a horrible way of survival. Many heterosexual relationships motivated by  survival are  prostitution too. If you say that these relationships  are worthy alternative lifestyles, motivated by real choices, where the reward is more than survival, you commit  a crime against the people who live like that
Cultural relativism and blaming Eurocentrism (which I agree with to some extent) have absolutely horrible consequences such as oxymorons like Islamic or Christian feminism. Well then we can talk about feminist rape, why not? If there is  feminist burqa, why not going farther?
It seems politically incorrect to say that the situation of women in Islam is unacceptable because it would hurt the feelings of Muslim women. I mean saying that rape is horrible hurts the  feelings of  raped women? Or what? I'm all for tolerance, but not until there is nothing left to claim
As for Eurocentrism, it exists, is more prevalent than we think, it has deeper roots. Western science is not the only approach to knowledge and it developed in certain special conditions. But if a  secular European white woman who cautions that women in Islam are living in an unacceptable way, that poor women often experience a form of prostitution and abuse, prostitution is a crime, she does not it because of Eurocentrism, contempt for other cultures or classism. Not all the time, anyway!  
When we ask for something, we refer to something / someone who has more than us. When black slaves were talking about freedom, they use the whites's status as a reference system the black liberation movement in the US uses the the social, economic, political status of whites as a reference system. What would have happened if Martin Luther King have accepted the lifestyle of blacks, meaning unemployment, lack of education, poverty and violence as a legitimate lifestyle, which is not allowed to talk about in order to avoid  offending  the feelings of those who live like that?
Western culture is not something extraordinary and whites are not extraordinary peopleEuropeans even less. But we cannot deny that the westerners have the highest social, economic status,  they enjoy the most freedom and they have the best medicine. Things can change, but now this is case. Moreover, other cultures are more advanced in other respects. But when we ask for something,we demand something, when it comes to individual freedom, civil rights, health, we refer to the West. Sure, it's good to get more, but even so
Saying that a white  educated middle class woman does something disgusting when she tells Muslim women that their way of life is oppressive, the same the impoverished women trapped in abusive heterosexual relationships or prostitutes, she doesn't disregard any of them. She does it just because she doesn't  consider that she, as a white and educated western women deserves more than other women. Just for that.
Some leftists, accepting the misery of poor people's lives in oppressive cultures, only perpetuate the conditions those people are living in, maintaining their privileges for themselves. What should do westerners, especially if they are doctors when encounter people living in traditional societies?  Should they leave incantations and traditional medical practices like sex with virgins as a medicine against AIDS intact and not give them modern medicines because these medicines may offend them?  
I am an educated white middle class woman who does not consider herself special and wants to get everything through individual merits, not because she's white, educated, or middle class. Any person with similar merits, wherever she/he is, deserves similar social and economic status. I still want a high SPF cream for myself. It's the only thing I feel entitled to have as a white person.   

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patriarhat feminism Andrea Dworkin comunism Freud feminism radical patriahat Ayaan Hirsi Ali Ilinca Bernea Mary Wollstonecraft sclavie Africa Alexis de Tocqueville Epopeea lui Ghilgamesh Marx Mihaela Miroiu Romania Rusia matriarhat 7000 ani Betty Friedan Biblia China Cordelia Fine Elisabeth Badinter Franta Harriet Taylor India Iran Jared Diamond John Stuart Mill Rosalind Miles avort femei patriarhale heterosexualitate prostitutie sexism 7000 years Arabia Saudita Atena Balzac Dan Alexe Dworkin Elena Udrea Engels Europa Grecia Hitler Japonia Lenin Leo Frebonius Miroiu Oriana Fallaci Panait Istrati Simone de Beauvoir Stalin discriminarea femeilor fericire legalizarea prostitutiei misoginism radio Guerrilla revolutie sexualitate 8 martie ALice Nastase AUR Afghanistan Ann Fausto-Sterling Ansari Aung San Suu Kyi Ayan Hirsi Ali Belgrad Bete Davis Bourdieu Casandra Corinne Hoffmann Dawkins Dobrovolschi Egipt Elena Ceausescu Eva Frans de Waal Georges Sand Hillary Clinton Holly Hunter Imperiul Otoman Intercourse Isaac Asimov Islam Israel Jenny Nordberg Kadare Legende Androgine Libia Mad Men Madonna Maria Cernat Martha Bibescu Martin Luther King Mesopotamia Moartea Neagra Mustafa Kemal Nietzsche Ninon de L'Enclois Noam Chomsky Occident Pakistan Pearl Buck Polonia Putin Rafila Robert Flaceliere Sfantul Valentin Sofia Nadejde Sorin Lavric Spinoza The femine mystique Tim Robbins Traian Ucraina Valahia Valerie Solanas Virginia Woolf Woman Hating Wuthering Heights Zorba Grecul antropologie clitoris colonialism corvoada heterosexuala democratie eurocentrism femei femei de dreapta feudalism gen gene imbatranire lesbianism menopauza mutilare genitala neoliberalism ortodoxie politica rasism relatii reviste pentru femei roluri de gen romani science fiction sclavagism sindromul Stockholm societati matriliniare sociobiologia sociobiologie toader Paleologu trans transexualitate viol virginitate #metoo . fluiditate de gen 50 shades of Grey AUR; Diana Ivanov-Sosoaca Adela Adina Mocanu Adrian Popovici Adrien Brody Afganistan Agamemnon Ahile Ahmet Hamdi Tanpinar Aietes Aimee Cesare Alain Delon Alan Clement Albert Einstein Alberto Moravia Alegeri prezidentiale Alexandra Kolontai. Balzac Alexandra Paftală Alexandre Dumas Alexandre Lacassagne Alexandre Yersin Alexandru Stermin Alice Coffin Alice Schwartzer Alice Schwarzer Amazon Amelia Țigănuș America De Sud America de Nord Amita Bose Amos Oz Ana Ipatescu Anamaria Prodan Anatolia Andrei Serban Angelina Jolie Annette Benning Anwal El-Saawadi Anwar El-Sadat Arbanasi Ariadna Arsenie Boca Ashley Judd Assad AudreyTautou Augustus Aura Christi Aurea Foundation Aurora Aurora Liiceanu Aurore Dupin Austin Powers Babel Badea Basarabia Basescu Becali Belgia Berlin Bernadin de Saint-Pierre; Mauritius Betty Mahmoody Beyonce Blestemul de a fi femeie Brad Pitt Braila Brave New World Brazilia Braătescu-Voinești Brian Warner Bruno Reidal Burma Byron Băsescu C.s Lewis CNA CNBC CT Popescu Cairo Caitlyn Jenner Cannes Capcana sexelor Capturing Mary Caragiale Carla Maria Teaha Catavencu Catherine Zeta-Jones Cato Caverne de otel Cenorhaditis Cezar Charlotte Ayanna Charlotte Bronte Charlotte Perkins Gilman Chirista Wolf Christa Wolf Christopher Lambert Cipolla Cipru Circe Cisiordania Ciutacu Clitemnestra Clive Owen. Iris Murdoch Cluj Coltescu Columbia Comedia Umana Constantin Dobrogeanu-Gherea Constantin al X-lea Duca Constantinopol Contemporanul Coran Creierul masculin Cromwell Cătălin Striblea D. W. Winnicott DSK Dali Dama cu camelii Dan Ungureanu Dana Budeanu Daniel Defoe Daniela Crudu Darwin Dedal Delia Democratia in America Denisa Comanescu Desmond Morris Devalmasia Valaha Diana Diana Ivanovici Diana Russell Dick Dawkins Die weisse Massai Dimitri Doré Dimitrov Dobro Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton Donna Haraway Dr. Quinn Dracon Dresda Dune Ecaterina Teodoroiu Ecaterina cea Mare Edward Wilson Elena Lupescu Emile Zola Emily Bronte Eminescu Enea Erdogan Erica Moldovan Erich Fromm Erila Isac Ethan Hawke Evan Rachel Wood Evelyn Fox Keller Fabio Geda Fantasemele sexuale ale femeilor Faust Federico Fellini Feminine Mistique Fetele ascunse din Kabul Finlanda Flash dance Flora Tristan Franco Frank Herbet Frankenstein François Mauriac Franța Frumaosa si bestia Gabriel Garcia Marquez Gabriela Firea Gabrielle Chanel Gala Gallad Gaslight Gaza Gellhorn Gelu Ciobotaru Geoana George Orwell George Sand Gervaise Ghilgamesh Giambaptista Vico Gib Mihăescu Gigi Ghinea Gilda Gillian Flynn Giulieta Masina Glen Close Gloria Grahame Gloria Steinam Goethe Gone girl Gosem Grigore Cartianul Grupul feminist radical Guardians of Time Guillaume Hadrian Hallmark Hamurabi Hanul lui Manuc Harald Eia Hariclea Darclee Harper Lee Harry Poter Hatsepsut Hawaii Hecate Hector Heide Gottner-Abendroth Hellios Hemingway Herder Hermes Hiroshima Hortensia Papdat-Bengescu Hugh Hefner Hurem ISIS Ideea Europeana Ierusalim Iliada Ille De France Imperiul Roman Imperiul Țarist Indonezia Indragostita de un Masai Intoarcerea la Laguna Albastra Ion Ion Luca Caragiale Ion Nadejde Irak Iris Murdoch Irlanda Isak Denisen Islamic or Christian feminism Islanda Istanbul Iugoslavia JK Rowling Jamie Bell Jenney Nordberg Jennifer Aniston Jennifer Fox Jennifer Lopez Jenny Marx Jill și Jeffrey Erikson Jonathan Leaf Jordan Peterson Joseph Sobran Judith Butler Jullianne Moore Kalevala Kate Middleton Kate Miett Kenia Keren Blixen Khalida Messaaoudi-Toumi Kinsley Kirghistan Kosovo LGBT Lacan Lamartine Larry Flynt Lars von Trier Lavric Leonor Fini Lev Tolstoy Liban Liberace Liviu Mihaiu Liviu Rebreanu Lorenz Los Angeles Louann Brizendine Luce Irigaray Lucretiu Luke Perry Macarena Madalina Manole Madeline Miller Makarenko Manifestul Partidului Comunist Mara Lucaci Maracineanu Marc Ferro Margaret Atwood Margaret Mead Margineanu Mariana Dumitrache) Marie de Gourany Marilyn Monroe Marin Preda Marry Steenburgen Mary Shelley Marylin Manson Maserati Mateiu Caragiale Matt Damon Maureen Freely Mazare McCarthy Medea Meet the Natives Merckel Merkel Meryl Streep Michael Douglas Michael Eric Dyson Michelle Goldberg Mihai Make Ionescu Mihalea Drăgan Mihalea Miroiu Mileva Maric Mircea Badea Mircea Marian Mirel Palada Miss Petarda Miss Platnum Mohammed Moldova Moll King Mombasa Montaigne Mormoni Mosuo Mussolini NIKK Nagasaki Nairobi Nancy Friday. 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Revolutia Franceza Revolutie industriala Reza Pahlavi Robert Redford Roberta Anastase Roberto Angela Robinson Crusoe Roe vs Wade Roessler Roger Scruton Rolls Roma Romain Rolland Romania Culturala Romania Mare Romania ceausista România Mare Rosamund Pike Rosi Braidotti Rousseau SUA Sabina Fati Saddam Samuel Huntington Sandra Harding Santorum Sapho Scoala Ardeleana Serbia Sergiu Nicolaescu Sex and the city Sexying the Body Sf feminist Shakespeare Shakira Sharon Stone Sheila Jeffreys Shivani Singh Shulamith Firestone Sila Silija Silvestru Șoșoacă Simon Signoret Simona Tache Siria Skakespeare Sojourner Truth Solaria Sonata Kreutzer Souad Spania Sparta Spartacus Sprachbund Stalislaw Lem Statele Unite Stephanie Coontz Stephen Fry Stockholm Straina Stralucirea si suferintele curtezanelor Suleiman Teheneran Telemah Tennessee Williams Tezeu Thatcher The Subjection of Women The first European Revolution Theodore Zeldine Theoroe Zeldin Thérèse Desqueyroux Tiberiu Tiergarten Titu Maiorescu Titus Livius Totul despre Eva Traian Basescu Transilvania Tsarnaev Turcia UK URSS Umberto Eco Un tramvai numit dorinta Uniunea Sovietica Ursula K. Le Guin Valentine's Day Vaslui Veliko Rârnovo Venezuela Venus Viorica Dancila Virginia Wolf Viviana Hurtada Vlad Macri Vlad Muresan Webo Westworld William William Golding Wollstonecraft Working girl Y Zeina. Djenane Kareh Tager abolire abuz acamdemie feminista radicala. adoptie afaceri feministe agresor alegeri alegeri SUA 2016 alfabetizare anarhie animal social antinatalism arieni asigurare socială asigurari medicale autoritate bacha posh bacterii baieti rai balene bande de cartier barbatul roman blog boala mentala bonobo burghezie burqa butch calitati umane speciale capitalism caractere etnice carte casnicie cautarea fericirii ceier cimpanzeu ciocnirea civilizatiilor cis clasa mijlocie clasism colonizare comportament sexual condus masina conspicuos consumption constiinta contraceptie conventie sociala copil copilul unic corectitudine politică crestinism criminalitate criza masculinitatii cromozom X cultura cretană cultura occidentala cultura prostiei curva daci dacopatia dictaturi die Fremde dioicitate discreditarea feminismului dominatia masculina drama drepturi civile drepturile femeilor drepturile omului durere ecograf educatie educatie sexuala eliberarea sexuala epatarea esentialism etrusci f emininism familia familie familie matriarhala familie patriarhala familie traditionala fanarioti fascism femei emancipate femei in feminism femeie moderna femicid feminin femininsm feminism al diferentei feminism room-service feminism. munca domestica feministe feminsim feminst ficțiuni relae frigurile galbene frumusete fundamentalisti darwinisti gen gramatical hemafroditism hermafroditism heterosexualite hidra de apa dulce hijab holera homosexualitate human rights imbecili incorectitudine politica inginerie invidie istorie ivanovic-Șoșoacă kabilii kate milett lamentare legalizarea drogurilor legalizarea traficului de arme legalizarea traficului de organe legea sanatatii lesbianism politic liberal. fascim liberalism luptă de clasă mafia patriarhala mama ideala manifest feminist manifestatie spontana marea cultura marsul panaramelor marxism marș masculin masculiniate mijloace contraceptive minciuni minoritate minoritati misogini modernism monoteism musulmani naturalism necredincioasa nefericire negrid negritude nemurire neutrino neutru nuditate nunta de aur oi operatii estetice orgasm orgasmul vaginal pacat panarama pandemie parenting partid feminist radical pasiune romantica patriarahat patriarchy patriarhale patriarhat. Afganistan pensie pilula contraceptiva pizdificarea societatii porneia pornografie prejudecati patriarhale preoti primavara araba printese pro-life proletariat protozoare psihanaliza psiholog psihologie psihologie evoluționistă psihoterapie psihoterapie feminista pudoare putere refulare regina Victoria relatii fara obligatii relatii heterosexuale relatii reusite relatii romantice relativism cultural religiile abrahamice roboti roman romantici germani rusine sacrificii sclavi sclavia femeilor scorpie securitate sex sexualitate feminina sf siguranța femeilor sinucidere situatia femeilor slutwalk societate societate civila societati "male dominated" societati matrilineale sociobiology sociologie spreadzone stereotipuri de gen studii studii de gen studii despre femei submisivitate substantia nigra suprarealism talibani tarfa tari arabe tarile romane testul Bechdel the caged virgin tiktok transfer genetic transsexualitte umbra urme pe culturi utopia utopii valorizarea femeii valul islamic viagra pentru femei vietii si relatii nonpatriarhale viitor violenta domestica violenta. violență patriarhală vis von Hayek von Mises vot universal youtube ziua fetei închisoarea Newgate

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